
Orange Mécanique (Original Soundtrack)

Ajouté le 01/05/2023 - 12:54
Orange Mécanique (Original Soundtrack)

Genre : OST

Type : B.O/OST

Nombre de pistes : 15

Label : Warner

1. Title music from a clockwork orange - Walter Carlos
2. The thieving magpie - Deutsche Grammophon
3. Thème from a clockwork orange - Walter Carlos
4. Ninth symphony second movement - A Deutsche Grammophon
5. March from a clockwork orange ninth symphony - Walter Carlos
6. William tell overture - Walter Carlos
7. Pomp and circumstance march n1 - Sans Interprete
8. Pomp and circumstance march n4 - Sans Interprete
9. Timesteps - Walter Carlos
10. Overture to the sun - Sans Interprete
11. I want to marry a lighthouse keeper - Erika Eigen
12. William tell overture - A Deutsche Grammophon
13. Suicide scherzo ninth symphony second movement - Walter Carlos
14. Ninth symphony fourth movement - A Deutsche Grammophon
15. Singin' in the rain - Gene Kelly

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